Merry Christmas

  (originally published 12/25/21) 

“I have been involved in the entertainment industry in one way or another for most of my life. My parents were in vaudeville before we started putting,on our own plays in rural Wisconsin. We moved to Los Angeles when I was seven and I continued to perform as a child actress in television shows, but mostly in theatre productions like The Miracle Worker. Theatre was absolutely my passion, but the twinkling lights of Hollywood also beckoned me. The only problem was Hollywood didn’t have the same vision. Little did I know that a path much more fulfilling awaited me.
In 1977 an incredible person came into my life, my very talented future husband, actor James Best. Together we had thirty-eight years of creativity. We had an acting school in Florida, where James encouraged me to pass on the knowledge I didn't even realize I had been accumulating all my life. We also had a production company where I produced commercials, industrial films, and a few feature films. In 2006 we moved to Hickory, North Carolina. We enjoyed the Hickory Community Theatre from the beginning and that attraction played a part in our decision to move here. We were so impressed with the local talent and the professional quality of HCT. I started thinking about the possibility of getting back to my first love, the theatre.

In the winter of 2011, I did my first show at HCT, as Martha in White Christmas and my desire to perform was renewed. I did several shows and always enjoyed working with all the talented staff and local actors.

The next chapter of my life came quite suddenly when my husband passed away in April 2015. I felt like a gigantic vault door closed. Everything I had known for thirty-eight years slammed shut behind that vault door. I felt like every aspect of the life we built together was ending. I was at a total loss and did not know where my life was going. Out of the blue I got a call asking me if I would join the board of directors for HCT. It took me totally off guard.

Could I do this? What did I know about serving on a board? Needless to say, that was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. During my time on the board I have seen many challenges for HCT, especially the ones that hit every nonprofit Theatre these past two years. 

I’ve also had creative challenges too. I have been able to bring to life some of the most iconic characters of my career like Frau Blucher (horses whinny) in Young Frankenstein. With the help and support of all the wonderful people at HCT I have found a new life and a new home.

The vision of the Hickory Community Theatre is to 'create quality live theatre that entertains, inspires, and unites our Community'. Believe me when I say that it also heals the soul.”
Dorothy’s journey is an example of the power of community theatre, and the value that HCT brings to Hickory and and beyond. In her message Dorothy mentions the vision of HCT, but her story also expresses how the benefit of the theatre goes beyond what is on stage. There is a part of our values statement that really says it best.

We revel in the marvel and wonder of human truths revealed, for the artists and the audience, through the art of live theatre. We believe that the inherent value of individuals working together toward a collective vision creates something powerful that is far greater than the sum of its parts.

You are a valuable part of the “marvel and wonder” and we deeply appreciate you for it. On this special day we offer our thanks and wish you a very Merry Christmas. 

John Rambo, Managing Director

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