Acting in the ensemble for Puffs , the new comedy by Matt Cox, is an energetically fun time for any actor. Each of them has to play multiple roles, from students to teachers to villains, sometimes at the drop of a hat. The Hickory Community Theatre production, which runs October 15-30, has seven talented actors who are up to the challenge. They are Jenni Canterbury, Theresa Decker, Caleb Ernsberger, Betsy Pipher, Jennifer Leigh, Will Vogler and Jared Wachsmuth. ( Back row, L-R) Betsy Pipher, Theresa Decker, Caleb Ernsberger, Jennifer Leigh, (front) Will Vogler, Jenni Canterbury and Jared Wachsmuth Canterbury has been on the HCT stage multiple times before, sometimes with a mermaid fin and sometimes in her skivvies, but until now she has yet to wield a magic wand. Decker is excited to be joining HCT for the first time. Many years ago in the faraway land of St. Louis, she starred in several productions, including DRACULA, A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM, and ARSENIC AND OLD LAC...